NEO used the Apr. 14 Itabashi Green Hall show to set up the main event of the May 3 Korakuen Hall show. I'll get into that later but first a couple of other developments. 16 year old rookie Nagisa Nozaki suffered a broken nose at last week's Discover New Heroine II show. She's scheduled to be out for a couple of weeks. If you recall, Montreal based wrestler Vanessa Kraven was in Japan last year for the Wrestle Expo show as Vanessa The Mountain. It looks like NEO GM Koda really likes her and she will return to Japan next week for a JWP show. She will be on the May 3 show. Vanessa is a big girl and Japanese promoters like their gaijin heels big so it's not surprising. He says Sumie Sakai told him about her. Koda also says that a singer named Akira Kushida will appear on the May 3 show in some sort of goofy Ice Ribbon match.
The opener of the May 14 show was Kyoko Kimura vs Aya Yuki. Kimura started out with an arm attack but Yuki came back with a shoulder block and an STF. Kimura got the chain out of her corner and brained Yuki. This led to a brain buster for a two count and a wakigatame for the win at 11:32. Next was Etsuko Mita vs Yuiga. I haven't seen her name come up often in joshi feds. Mita won with a romantic clutch at 11:04. Afterwards, Mita wanted to know what she would be doing at the Korakuen Hall show. Ice Ribbon owner Makoto came out and after some discussion a six person tag match Ice Ribbon mat style was set up and today Koda announced the singer's participation.
Next was a tag match that sets up the main event of the May 3 show. Sakura Emi & Aoi Kizuki vs Yoshiko Tamura and Miki Ishii. Ishii replaced Nagisa Nozaki. Tamura & Ishii double team Emi with a double ace crusher. Ishii tags in and Emi uses a power bomb, a diving senton and the smash mouth to win at 17:22. Sakura Emi confronted Yoshiko Tamura and says she has a mind to challenge her for the double titles. Tamura refused at first but Emi talks her into it. Tamura's reasoning was that Emi is used to working Ice Ribbon shows in front of 40 people and isn't worthy of a title shot in Korakuen Hall. BTW, she's right about the 40 people. Sakura Emi says it doesn't matter because Tamura can't draw more fans anyway. There will be vacant seats at Korakuen Hall. Tamura agreed to the match and it was announced as a double title match on Monday.
Next the feud between the China Ribbon Army and NEO Machine Gunz continued with Chou-un Shiryu vs Tanny Mouse. Totchan Chang of the China Ribbon Army is banned from ringside. After some silly comedy, Shiryu wins with a camel clutch at 10:53. This sets up an Ice Ribbon Tag Team Title match for May 3. The main event was Misae Genki, Yuki Miyazaki & Haruka Matsuo vs Mariko Yoshida, Rei & Hiroyo Matsumoto. The end comes after Genki & Matsuo hit swan dives on Matsumoto and then Matsuo wins with a frog splash at 17:46. After Matsuo thanks the crowd for coming, Kyoko Kimura comes in and demands a tag title match for her & Amazing Kong. That match will happen on May 3.
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