Sendai Girls had two shows on Apr. 7 & 8 at Zepp Sendai for the opening round of the Battlefield War tournament. This tournament is scheduled to finish at the July Sendai Girls first anniversary show. Other than putting herself over on the first anniversary, Meiko Satomura told Nikkan Sports last week that she was still upset about losing to Shinobu Kandori in the LLPW tournament in February and she wants to give Kandori a receipt. But not surprisingly, Kandori couldn't be bothered and sent Mizuki Endo instead. Now, now, girls. Play nice.
Nikkan Sports also talked about the match between rookies Akari Okuda & Sachiko Kanari that guarantees that one of the Sendai rookies advances to the second round. The girls train hard every day and have become great friends. So it seems strange that they have to fight each other. They live like sisters in dorm. Kanari says the match will be very awkward. Okuda says she can't wait to beat Ayako Hamada in the second round and then face the boss later. Well, that's a nice dream that won't happen.
All the matches in this tournament have 30 minute time limits. The opener was Dynamite Kansai vs Toshie Uematsu. Uematsu works on Kansai's arm. Kansai comes back with a claw, a kick and a backdrop. They exchange lariats and Kansai hits a footstomp and wins with the splash mountain at 12:15. Next was Chisako Kanari ve Manami Toyota. So how long do you think this match will last? You'd be wrong. Chisako attacked Toyota with dropkicks before the bell rings (pictured). Toyota swats her away and hits a double arm suplex and a Bow & Arrow. Chisako counters with a DDT. They exchange dropkicks and then Chisako gets Toyota in a camel clutch. Toyota does take control of the match and after a missile dropkick and a noonsault she gets a two count. Chisako hit a uraken at the 25 minute mark. then a plancha from the top turnbuckle. Outside the ring, Toyota jumps on her from the stage. Toyota brings her back into the ring and finishes her with the Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex at 29:14. I think I'll have to see this match to believe it.
Next was Devil Masami vs Mayumi Ozaki. Ozaki brought her trademark chain. Eventually Devil no sold that stuff and hit a Jumbo suplex. Ozaki's attempt at a tope to the arena floor doesn't help her and Devil hits her with a lariat, an avalanche style slam and a Ligerbomb. Devil wins with a fire volleyball at 8:58. Meiko Satomura vs Tsubasa Kuragaki was a very even match. Kuragaki gets the advantage at five minutes with a Canadian back breaker. Satomura comes back with elbows and a knee drop from the top rope to the back of the head for a two count. They spend some time outside the ring and Satomura hits a Quebrada. Back in the ring, Satomura hits a cobra twist and Death Valley Bomb for a two count. Kuragaki hits a short arm lariat. She blocks Satomura's Scorpion Rising. But Satomura hits her next Scorpion Rising followed by a Death Valley Bomb for the win at 15:30.
The Apr. 8 show had four Block B matches. Mizuki Endo won over KAORU in 3:58. The match was stopped when KAORU attempted a moonsault from the top turnbuckle onto the floor and injured her elbow. Typical of that spot monkey. KAORU is an accident waiting to happen. Ayako Hamada beat Yurie Kaneko with a moonsault press at 6:28. In the rookie battle, Akari Okuda beat Sachiko Kanari with a jumping knee attack at 10:29. And Aja Kong beat Kyoko Kimura with a diving elbow drop at 15:25. So other than KAORU's injury and the length of Toyota's match, there were no surprises. The next round will be May 19 at Zepp Sendai.
I get the impression from your write up that possibly Manami Toyota can't go anymore. That's sad, unless i've completely misread you! Does she wrestle much these days or was this a special rare appearance?
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with Toyota. It's stupid booking to have her carry a rookie for a half hour and win anyway. There are ways to do upsets and put rookies over. This isn't it. It exposes the business and no one gets over. Satomura may have asked Ayako to do the same thing in her match and Ayako would have refused to do it. Toyota should have done the same.