You know how the wrestling business is. Promoters do so much silly stuff all year that April Fools Day is just another day. But Mayumi Ozaki announced before the Apr. 1 Shinjuku FACE OZ Academy show that this would be a special April Fools Day show. For the most part it looks like she just wanted to do silly things. But there was one occurrance that had wrestlers and fans alike wondering if it is for real.
The first bit of nonsense had to do with a Dainichi wrestler named Sachiko Ito who Ozaki has been using lately as a heel referee. Another ref named Lee objected to his behaviour so OZ management announced that the two would have a match and if Ito loses, he's banished from OZ Academy. There was also something about Dainichi taking over OZ if he wins. Aja Kong was special ref. Nothing was resolved as Aja stopped the match at 4:02. Obviously this angle will continue at a later time. It appears that the match stipulations will have to be agreed to in writing.
It gets a little interesting at this point. Mayumi Ozaki scheduled a match with Ayumi Kurihara described as an assessment match. It was a typical Ozaki match with Police interfering and Ozaki using a chain. Ozaki won the match at 8:01. Kurihara was upset that about Police's interference. Police didn't like this of course. Ozaki said she liked Kurihara and started arguing with Police. That's where this ended. The next match was played for comedy with Dynamite Kansai, this pint sized wrestler named El Braza who works for El Dorado and a guy I'm not familiar with. The gag was these guys want to work for OZ Academy so they have to prove themselves. So everything was played for laughs and it was a ten minute draw.
Misae Genki & Yuki Miyazaki came over from NEO to face Dynamite Kansai & Chikayo Nagashima. It appears this may have been an assessment of Miyazaki for possible future employment. Kansai won over Miyazaki with a footstomp at 18:24. It looks like Miyazaki passed the test. The main event was Aja Kong & Mayumi Ozaki vs Carlos Amano & Sonoko Kato. The gag here is that Kato has had her butt kicked since she returned in October. Aja & Ozaki didn't get along during the match. Ozaki nailed Aja and Kato got the win at 20:07. You can expect Aja & Ozaki to face each other at a future show.
Afterwards, OZ Academy announced that they would have their 11th Anniversary show on Aug. 16 at Korakuen Hall. They will also tun Shinjuku FACE on Aug. 2. That brings me to the final April Fools joke. Police announced that he has left OZ Academy. Supposedly he was still upset with Ozaki and if he doesn't leave, she'll drive him nuts. Carlos Amano reminded us that it's still April Fools Day. Is this real or an angle? I don't know but I'm willing to bet that we haven't heard the last of Police and the resolution should be amusing.
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