Of course regular readers will know Mayumi Ozaki's longtime sidekick Police resigned from OZ Academy on the Apr. 1 show. He basically said that Ozaki was driving him nuts. I was pretty sure that we hadn't seen the last of him. So the OZ Academy webmaster interviewed Police in an attempt to clarify his status.
Police begins by thanking her for the interview. She is surprised by his politeness. She asked him about his resignation. He said he's still angry at Ozaki and he hasn't spoken to her. He says it's always been a difficult relationship. He's always tried to help her and she just yells at him. He says she's very selfish and he's tired of it. So has Police really left OZ Academy? Of course he doesn't give a straight answer. He says don't be surprised if he comes back with Aja Kong or Dynamite Kansai or he might form a new group. "Maybe I'll call it Police Academy. HAHAHAHAHA!" He says he might bring in outside wrestlers. Will he turn up in Osaka on Friday? A couple of other quick notes. AKINO will wrestle Aja Kong on the May 20 Shinjuku FACE show and like a lot of joshi companies, OZ Academy has started a blog seperate from their website. I'll keep an eye on that.
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