Last week was Golden Week and that is a huge holiday week in Japan. I don't pretend to know the significance of it but I can tell you there were plenty of shows. It's taking some time to catch up. Some shows were successful. Some weren't. JD Star ran a double shot at Shin-kiba 1st Ring on May 4. They don't draw anyway but there were 80 fans at the afternoon show. That's worse than usual. Manami Toyota was on the afternoon show and Nanae Takahashi was on the evening show. But the big news is that JD Star announced that Fuuka will return on the May 18 Shin-kiba 1st Ring show. She will team with Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Shuu Shibutani & Ayumi Kurihara. Shibutani will be happy to see her. She's probably tired of jobbing to veterans.
The afternoon show began with a couple of League Princess 07 tournament matches. First was Yuri Urai vs Hanako Kobayashi. Kobayashi stomps Urai in the corner but Urai comes back with a camel clutch. Urai hits three dropkicks and Kobayashi counters with an elbow smash. Kobayashi misses a diving boddy press and Urai's double arm salto brain buster gets her the win at 5:39. That's Urai's third win in a row and she leads the tournament. Next was Aya Yuki vs Hiroyo Matsumoto. Matsumoto gets Yuki in a camel clutch. Yuki comes back with a cross body block. and a series of shoulder tackles. Matsumoto hits a Mac Buster followed by an Argentinian backbreaker. The end comes when Yuki hooks an STF and Matsumoto can't reach the ropes at 8:04.
KAZUKI & Misaki Ohata teamed up in Discover New Heroine but now they face each other. Ohata won her first match last week but her attempts at offense are weak. KAZUKI gets booed for beating her up. A diving knee drop finishes Ohata at 8:51. Next was Bullfight Sora vs Vanessa The Mountain. Vanessa has no trouble winning with a Liger Bomb at 7:57. The main event had Manami Toyota & Ayumi Kurihara vs Shuu Shibutani & Natsuki*Taiyo. Shibutani attacks Toyota with dropkicks and a body scissors. That won't work on Toyota. Toyota shows her how it's done with a missile dropkick. Then she throws her around for a while. She even trots out the rolling cradle. Natsuki*Taiyo gets control of Kurihara. She tags Shibutani and she hits a missile kick, senton, Northern Lights suplex and a swinging DDT. She then tries a missile kick on Toyota and Toyota no sells and hits a German suplex. Then a double missile kick and Toyota's Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex & Queen Bee Bomb finishes Shibutani at 21:48.
The evening show started with a League Princess 07 tournament match between Murasaki & Aya Yuki. Yuki gets Murasaki in a surfboard followed by stomping and a hair throw. Mueasaki comes back with a 619 but misses a moonsault press. Yuki wins with the STF at 5:43. The gimmick they're doing with Bullfight Sora right now is a professional wrestling classroom. The lesson with Vanessa was don't mess with big girls. I guess with Misaki Ohata the lesson not to let her guard down in the ring. Sora won with a gourd buster at 8:38. Next was a comedy match with Kyoko Kimura & male cross dresser Lingerie Muto. Muto wore an afro wig. They danced around a lot and Kinura won at 4:58.
Next was Etsuko Mita & Yuki Miyazaki coming over from NEO to face Ayumi Kurihara & Cherry. Mita won over Cherry with a Tiger Suplex at 20:52. The main event had Nanae Takahashi vs Shuu Shibutani. I think this was supposed to be one of Fuuka's Topgun matches. Shibutani's offense is typically feeble and Takahashi uses a pinwheel backbreaker to stop her in her tracks. Shibutani comes back with two sentons and a guillotine. Takahashi knocks her outside the ring with a lariat followed by a tope. Back in the ring, Takahashi hits a missile kick. Takahashi hits a brain buster and a back drop for the win at 18:31. Shibutani blamed Fuuka. She said she lost because she doesn't have the stamina to work two main events in one day and there were only two Athtresses available. Uh huh. Here's a slide show from both shows with 161 pics.
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