Welcome to Frank Pozen's Big Bad Blog. A lot of folks have been asking me to update them about my recovery. So I thought I would start a blog primarily to do that but also to talk about other topics of interest including the wrestling business and whatever else I can think of. I plan to update this on a regular basis so check back and leave a comment if you wish.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Gerry Mulligan

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Tramaine Hawkins

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Modafferi wins K-Grace tournament

Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Vanessa Bell Armstrong

Monday, May 28, 2007
Takahashi wins AWA World Womens Championship

Before I get into the details of the May 27 Pro Wrestling SUN Korakuen Hall show, I'll just mention that they had another one of their press conferences on Thursday for the title match contract signings. Amazing Kong was not in attendance. She was on NEO's Hokkaido tour. Nanae Takahashi & Wesna Busic were there. But a fight broke out between Natsuki*Taiyo & Kyoko Kimura during their contract signing and there was the usual pull apart. It was nothing unusual. So now we have Sunday's show and a new challenger for the AWA World Womens Championship emerged, and a worthy challenger too.
The main storyline is still Pro Wrestling SUN vs REM. The opener had SUN's Saki Maemura vs REM's Toshie Uematsu. I don't have any details of the match but it appears that Uematsu used Maemura's Saki Hanamaru finisher to win at 11:56. I guess that's the mark of a good heel. Next was Natsuki*Taiyo defending the World 1 Womens Title against Kyoko Kimura. This was a street fight with no rules or countouts and weapons included. It's very unfamiliar territory for Natsuki*Taiyo. Kimura came to the ring with a barbed wire bat and a chain. The end came when Kimura wrapped the chain around Natsuki's neck and the ref stopped the match at 12:40. This probably sets up a rematch.
Next was a mixed tag match with Jaguar Yokota teaming with El Dorado's El Braza vs Panther Claw & Steve Corino. This was Jaguar's first SUN appearance so the match was designed to showcase her. She gave Corino an abdominnal stretch and a DDT. The problem with Panther Claw is she makes a lot of threatening motions but can't back it up in the ring. Jaguar pinned her with a fisherman buster at 17:55. Next was Hikaru's EWA Womens Title defense against Cheerleader Melissa. The day before, Melissa pinned Hikaru in a ZERO-ONE MAX tag match and afterwards said that Hikaru doesn't compare to the ARSION wrestlers she worked with in 2002. I could have told her that. Hikaru wore a mask to protect a broken nose she suffered in training a few days ago. Melissa attacked Hikaru's nose but Hikaru came back with the Ranakiller-H, an elbow and a horizontal cradle for the win at 12:42.
The main event was Nanae Takahashi vs Amazing Kong vs Wesna Busic for the vacant AWA World Womens Championship. They made it an elimination match. The match begins with REM members Kong & Busic beating up Takahashi. But these alliances never last in three way matches. Kong uses an Amazing Press on Takahashi and follows that with a chair shot. She hands the chair to Busic and Busic nails Kong with the chair. You can never trust a heel. Busic pins Kong with a jacknife powerbomb at 10:18. Busic continues to attack Takahashi outside the ring. She uses two Wesnakillers on the ring apron. Takahashi gets back in the ring at 18. Takahashi hits a last gasp Shining Wizard and a Nanarack for the win at 25:05. Nanae Takahashi is the new AWA World Womens Champion. Wesna will likely get a rematch the next time SUN runs Korakuen Hall but the July & August shows are at Shin-kiba 1st Ring. JWP's Azumi Hyuga is at ringside and has a staredown with Amazing Kong before the match. After the match, she entered the ring and said that she was hoping for a match with AK but wants an AWA title match with Takahashi now that she has the belt. Takahashi tried to downplay Hyuga but Hyuga is a great big match performer and a worthy contender. It should be a great match.
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-The Clark Sisters

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Koko Taylor

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Bootsy's Rubber Band

Friday, May 25, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers

Thursday, May 24, 2007
Back in business
There's so much stuff out there even if you think you're protected, you're not. All of your virus scanners and spyware scanners aren't perfect. That's why many people run multiple applications. I was using AVG for viruses but it didn't catch this. It was a very good product three years ago but Grisoft seems to be more interested in upselling these days. So I went to this site http://users.telenet.be/bluepatchy/miekiemoes/prevention.html to see what was available. I decided on Avira because it scans for rootkits in addition to viruses. You can only have one virus scanner on your system but there are online scanners such as Bit Defender. For spyware I decided on Spyware Blaster. I've used Spybot & Ad-Aware in the past and I also have Microsoft Defender but I've heard good things about Spyware Blaster. I've also added the Comodo Personal Firewall. The Windows Firewall isn't adequate. Some software firewalls are overly intrusive. I used Sygate a few years ago and it was OK for a while but it slowed down my computer so I got rid of it. Comodo seems OK so far. Just remember you have to train the firewall. I'm going to add links to the appropriate sites to the blog.
I'm making a couple of changes to the blog. I will no longer write about NASCAR races. Based on my blog stats, no one comes here for that and it was taking up too much of my time. I also have Google AdSense now and the ads are based on content, not stats. So I will occasionally comment on NASCAR news but you can read about the races anywhere. The slideshows are a good idea but they are time consuming to produce. MixerCast is a good service but I would be interested in a less time consuming service. The song of the day will continue but I will add the artist to the header. The song of the day does get a lot of hits and folks like the videos. I haven't reviewed any films lately because there hasn't been anything I wanted to see. Ratatouille is coming and I'm interested in that. The joshi news will continue of course. Please click on the ads. I can use the money.
Fuuka returns and JD Star to close

As expected, Fuuka returned to action on the May 18 JD Star show. Normally I would talk about the show but JD Star general manager Daisuke Kobayashi announced on the May 20 show that Grapple Beauty would cease to exist on July 16. Does this mean that JD Star is closing for good? Not necessarily. It means they've lost the financial backing of Kakutobi. But this company has threatened to close before. I would not be surprised if they came up with a new financial backer.
So after Fuuka's return on May 18, she gave a teary speech thanking everyone for their support. Then when the announcement was made on May 20, she was shocked. Well, not really. Fuuka posted on her blog that she was given the bad news ten days earlier. Basically, three wrestlers are employed by JD Star. Yumi Ohka still works there but not as a wrestler. So the fate of Fuuka, Shuu Shibutani & Misaki Ohata isn't known yet. But there is already speculation in the Japanese dirt sheets about Fuuka including that she could work for Antonio Inoki's new company IGF. Fuuka thought this was pretty funny and so did I.
As a company, JD has been around since 1996. GM Kobayashi has worked there the whole time. They started out with wrestlers like Jaguar Yokota & Bison Kimura and developed their own talent like Sumie Sakai & Megumi Yabushita. Naomi "The Bloody" Kato was one of their best wrestlers but she was trained by Jaguar at AJW and came to JD with Jaguar. But the company was losing money and then they got the idea of the Athtress concept; part athlete, part actress. It's a faulty concpt because it assumes that sex appeal and ring skills are mutually exclusive. All you have to do is look at someone like Mimi Hagiwara or Takako Inoue to know that is nonsense. They have plenty of both.
None of the original Athtresses are wrestling anymore. Of course Yumi Ohka suffered a knee injury and still works at JD Star but Emi Tojyo wound up doing porn. In 2004, it looked like JD Star would close but they were able to get Kakutobi as a financial backer in May 2004. The first thing they did was get rid of the wrestlers like The Bloody & Fang Suzuki and emphasize the Athtresses like Ohka & Tojyo. They also decided to run all their shows in one small building thinking they could be profitable by being small. At the time, someone said it was a good business plan for a zombie fed. But it was still a zombie fed and therefore doomed to failure. And JD Star continued to hang their collective hat on the Athtress concept and you can't base a promotion on mediocre wrestlers. They still had TV but they weren't making money and now the plug has been pulled...for now.
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Tye Tribbett & G.A.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
3 Way Match for AWA World Womens Championship

There are three things you can count on from Pro Wrestling SUN. Silly press conferences, convoluted booking and way too many title belts. SUN had a press conference on Thursday and there was an edict from the AWA that the main event for the May 27 Korakuen Hall show will be for the now vacant AWA World Womens Championship. The original main event was supposed to be between Nanae Takahashi and Wesna Busic. The AWA has added Amazing Kong and made it a three way match. To each his own but I'm not a three way match fan. So what's the deal with Amazing Kong? She's in Japan because she is working this week's NEO Hokkaido tour. According to NEO GM Koda's blog, it looks like she is in Japan only for a couple of weeks. Time will tell. So why did SUN do that match in Los Angeles? Damned if I know. It's my own fault for expecting logic from illogical people.
The other big news is that Cheerleader Melissa will return to Japan for this show. She will challenge Hikaru for the EWA Womens Championship. Huh? That's the belt from Wesna's home fed. Hikaru won it in January. Wesna still has the NSG Title. Shh. They're not using that one. From what I can tell, Melissa is only going over for this one show. She may work some ZERO-ONE Max shows that week but I haven't seen her name anywhere else. And that's not unusual for SUN gaijins. Wesna hasn't worked for other feds either. In another match Natsuki*Taiyo will defend the World 1 Womens Championship against Kyoko Kimura in a hardcore match. It will have an unrestricted time limit, no count out, no foul and weapons are allowed. Kimura has become very good at this kind of match. Natsuki may be in over her head. Other matches are Saki Maemura vs Toshie Uematsu and Jaguar Yokota vs Panther Claw.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day-Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST Song Of The Day

Saturday, May 19, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Friday, May 18, 2007
Virus/malware problem today
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
AWA World Womens Championship seized

Fans have been asking me if Amazing Kong will return to Japan. Never say never but I don't think so for now. This Los Angeles match is the last thing First On Stage president Nakamura wanted to do. A title change in Korakuen Hall is worth something to them. A title change in Los Angeles isn't worth anything. They would have preferred AK drop the belt in Tokyo so that means she isn't returning to Japan. Saki Maemura had a match with Cheerleader Melissa on the Inoki Dojo show. Maemura said on her blog that she was a little apprehensive because she didn't know Melissa. It was basically a twelve minute squash. Among other things, Melissa threw Maemura into the railing outside the ring, a chair shot and whatever else she could think of. Fans unfamiliar with Maemura might think she should be more competitive. The answer is Maemura is a jobber. Getting clobbered is what she does best. I expect one of SUN's infamous press conferences in the next few days. In the meantime, here's a video clip of Nanae Takahashi & Saki Maemura celebrating with the belt after the show.
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Monday, May 14, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Jeff Gordon wins at Darlington

Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Denny Hamlin wins Darlington Busch Series race

Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Friday, May 11, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Thursday, May 10, 2007
JD Star's Golden Week double shot

Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Amazing Kong to defend AWA title in Los Angeles

It's never a good thing when backstage drama in the wrestling business overshadows the goings on in the ring. Pro Wrestling SUN is goofy enough already. But they have now announced that Nanae Takahashi will travel to the US to get the AWA Womens World Championship from Amazing Kong. This was announced after Amazing Kong won the NWA Womens Championship from Ms. Chif recently so she now has both belts. I suppose it would be historic if either the AWA or NWA actually meant something these days but they don't. I guess the problem is First On Stage has some sort of deal with Dale Gagner so they have to retrieve the belt. And it doesn't look like Amazing Kong is returning to Japan.
This probably all started when Amazing Kong dropped the World 1 Womens Championship to Natsuki*Taiyo in February. SUN president Nakamura admitted that Kong was really pissed with him. She no showed the April SUN show but sent a video so I guess they must have thought she was still returning to Japan. At a press conference to promote the May 27 show, Nanae Takahashi said she still felt cheated and was planning to go to the US to chase Kong down. She thought maybe they could do a show in Los Angeles. If SUN wants the belt back in time for the next show, they're going to have to do something.
SUN had an event for children on May 5 and there was also a press conference. They announced that Nanae Takahashi would face Wesna Busic in the main event. Jaguar Yokota vs Panther Claw was also announced. But there's no title belt. The story is that Amazing Kong has used the AWA title in the US without permission. The ad I saw had the AWA logo. Based on that logic, they should be able to simply send someone to retrieve the belt. But instead they say that Amazing Kong will defend the AWA World Womens Championship against Nanae Takahashi at the Inoki Dojo in Los Angeles on May 13. Saki Maemura will accompany Takahashi to the US. I don't know if they're actually doing a match or it's just a smokescreen for a phantom title change so Takahashi can defend the title against Wesna on May 27. It is ironic as Amazing Kong was training at the Inoki Dojo when she was brought to Japan in 2002. That's a full circle for you.
Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Monday, May 07, 2007
Ibuki's 2nd Anniversary Show

Yahoo LAUNCHCAST song of the day

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Jimmie Johnson wins at Richmond

Tamura successfully defends NEO titles

NEO attracted 873 fans to their May 3 Korakuen Hall show. Would they do better if they knocked off the silly stuff? I dunno. I think the silly stuff is so much a part of NEO that they don't know how to live without it anymore. Ibuki's more serious 2nd anniversary show drew more fans. The main event of this particular NEO show was totally based on silliness. Yoshiko Tamura making fun of Ice Ribbon's forty fans and Sakura Emi responding by saying that she's a better wrestler than she's perceived. Someone forgot to tell her that perception is reality. Stop being so silly and you can change that perception. And don't forget the mummy and some of the other nonsense.
The opener was a NEO vs JWP New Age tag team match. Aya Yuki & Nagisa Nazaki vs Arisa Nakajima & Kaori Ohki. Yuki & Nozaki won when Nozaki used a diving body press on Ohki at 8:03. It seems Nakajima wasn't in the match much. Next was Ayumi Kurihara vs Aoi Kizuki in a Pure Seoul Best Throw match. It's a move both wrestlers use a lot. Kurihara won with a Diving Senton and a reverse side throw at 8:06. Next was the first NEO appearance of Mecha Mummy from Union. It was Manami Toyota & Mecha Mummy vs Etsuko Mita & Makoto. The main gimmick here was Makoto's fear of Mecha Mummy. Hilarity ensues, I guess. Toyota & Mecha Mummy won when Toyota used a Rocket Punch on Makoto at 8:29. That's the thing the Mummy throws sometimes. Afterwards, they announced to fans that Etsuko Mita's 20th Anniversary show will be July 16 at Korakuen Hall. Toyota said she will be on the show.
Next was a No Ropes Death Match for the International Ribbon Tag Titles. Champs Tanny Mouse & Yuki Miyazaki vs Chou-un Shiryu & Totchan Chang. They've been doing that Chinese gimmick. Chang is Toshie Uematsu. The other girl works for one of the small mens companies. It started with a performance by pop singer Akira Kushida. Tanny & Miyazaki won when Tanny used a Muscle Buster on Shiryu at 13:09. Apparently Uematsu wasn't aware that there would be no ropes and was unhappy about that.
Misae Genki & Haruka Matsuo defended the NEO Tag Team Titles against Kyoko Kimura & Vanessa The Mountain. Kimura & Vanessa double teamed Matsuo for most of the match but the champs won when Genki used the G Driver on Kimura at 25:10. The main event had Yoshiko Tamura defending the NEO Singles & NWA Pacific Titles against Sakura Emi. NEO GM Koda knew fans didn't think much of this match and tried to defend the match on his blog. He said Sakura Emi would surprise everyone in the match. She actually did OK. Tamura started with a dropkick followed by an ace crusher and a power bomb. Emi comes back with a Romero Special, a hip attack and a back drop. Tamura takes control and wins with the Roaring Elbow at 13:55. This was Tamura's 14th title defense. She'll get to defend it for the 15th time against Vanessa The Mountain on the May 5 Itabashi Green Hall show.