NEO's Feb. 3 Itabashi Green Hall show was headlined by an eight woman 2 of three fall match that was supposed to fuel the Etsuko Mita/Kyoko Kimura feud and the AWA World Womens Championship match between Amazing Kong & Kyoko Inoue. But the big story was Nanae Takahashi's announcement regarding the big Feb. 18 Kawasaki City Gym show. Also, more on the wedding match and the usual NEO nonsense.
The opener had Misae Genki against rookie Nagita Nozaki. It's an uphill battle for the rookie as she tries to use her quickness. But she is overwhelmed by Genki and Genki wins with the Big Boots at 11:58. Then Genki called out Nanae Takahashi and wanted an answer regarding the Feb. 18 show. Takahashi entered the ring and agreed to team with Genki against Azumi Hyuga & Meiko Satomura. The two shook hands and there's your match. Next was Yoshiko Tamura vs rookie Irod Watanabe. Tamura wins with a Fisherman's suplex at 14:08. The rookies are facing each other on Feb. 18 so NEO is trying to give them credibility by giving them lengthy matches against their top wrestlers. I'm not crazy about that strategy.
Next was Tanny Mouse & Haruka Matsuo vs Manami Toyota & Sakura Emi. Tany & Matsuo get to do the usual Machine Gunz comedy stuff and Toyota gets a big pop when she does the rolling cradle. Thend comes when Matsuo hit a frog splash on Emi and then a high kick for the win at 21:30. NEO general manager Koda came to the ring. His goal was to recruit Toyota to his side of the wedding match. Of course Tanny Mouse had the same goal. It seems that Emi Motokawa has been talking to Toyota about this for a couple of weeks. After both Motokawa & Tanny stated their cases, Toyota said that she couldn't approve of the marriage because she's six years older than Motokawa and still isn't married. So Toyota will be on the Machine Gunz team.
The main event was a two of three fall eight woman match. On one side was Kyoko Inoue, Yuki Miyazaki, Marcela & Etsuko Mita. on the other side was Kyoko Kimura, Amazing Kong, Toshie Uematsu, & HIROKA. Kyoko Inoue wins the first fall over Uematsu with a lariat, power bomb & a Niagara driver at 18:35. Miyazaki attempts to get a quick fall on Uematsu but runs into Amazing Kong and her lariat at 1:02. Since they're trying to build two feuds with this match, the third fall had a lot of action between Kyoko Inoue & Amazing Kong. AK does an avalanche style brainbuster on Inoue. The Mita & Kimura hook up. Mita seems to get the best of this but Kimura tags in Amazing Kong and she uses a spiral bomb on Mita to win the match at 18:58. Afterwards, Amazing Kong & Inoue had a war of words on the mike to continue to set up the Feb. 18 title match.
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