Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kana yells at Syuri at SMASH press conference

So SMASH is doing the semi finals of their Diva Tournament Apr. 11 Korakuen Hall show. And one of the matches will have Kana vs Syuri. So they had a press conference today with them. Now I know some fans really like Syuri. I'm not crazy about her. She wrestles like a dancer which is what she was before she got into wrestling. She's been around long enough that she needs to pick up her game. And I find her babyface character very whiny and annoying. She comes across very weak. And that's what this press conference is about. Syuri gives this whole story about how her mom is Filipino and she had a tough childhood. It's not unusual for mixed race children in Japan to be teased unmercifully. She became a dancer to make a lot of money and make her mother proud. And winning the SMASH Diva belt will make her famous and give back to her mother. Kana's response was sort of like "Tough shit, bitch. Quit your whining". She basically yelled at her for five minutes and she should stop being so damn pathetic. So of course Syuri starts crying. And I guess Kana told her to knock it off. And you can see what Syuri did after Kana left the room. If this results in Syuri's improvement as a wrestler, I'm all for that. I am doubtful that she has it in her. She needs to be more wrestler and less dancer.

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