JWP had the night slot at Tokyo Cinema Club on June 22. The main event had Kayoko Haruyama making her first JWP Open Weight Championship defense against Ran YuYu. The story was that Ran had to drop out of the #1 contender tournament due to injury and never lost to Haruyama. Booking 101 had the two facing each other in tag matches leading up to the show. The opener had GAMI vs Pinkie Mayuca. Of course everything is a gag to GAMI so Pinkie is at her mercy. GAMI asks Mayuca to demonstrate a hammerlock and then nailed her with a mule kick for two. GAMI gets a rear chinlock. Mayuca excapes and nails a hip attack to the corner followed by a forearm smash. GAMI blocked the follow up and hit a backdrop suplex. Mayuca tries a sunset flip but GAMI sits on her for two. Mayuca hits two missile dropkicks followed by a Boston crab. Mayuca's rollup pin attempts are unsuccessful and GAMI hits a backbreaker for two. The end comes when GAMI pokes Mayuca in the eye and she is unable to continue at 9:16. Yeah, I know. It's a little strange.
Next KAZUKI teamed with Megumi Yabushita against Commando Bolshoi & Toshie Uematsu. KAZUKI wore a judo jacket to the ring. Yabushita & Bolshoi began the match with some chain wrestling. KAZUKI & Uematsu tagged in after some fooling around, Bolshoi & Uematsu hit a double shoulder block. KAZUKI comes back with a hip attack but Uematsu grabbed the judo jacket and removed it. KAZUKI gets a body slam and kicks Bolshoi when she is tagged in. Yabushita tags in with a body slam followed by an armbar. Bolshoi was trying to get loose but Yabushita holds on to it while hanging over the top rope. They exchange holds and Uematsu tags in and hits a mule kick. Yabushita gets a cross arm breaker while KAZUKI occupies Bolshoi. Bolshoi breaks it up and Uematsu gets a German suplex on Yabushita. Yabushita gets another cross arm breaker. Bolshoi breaks it up and KAZUKI tags in and kneedrops Uematsu's arm. KAZUKI gets a cross arm breaker and Bolshoi breaks it up. KAZUKI gets a sunset flip for two. Bolshoi tags in and hits KAZUKI with a 619. KAZUKI misses a splash but Yabushita breaks up Bolshoi's pin attempt. The end comes when Yabushita's diving footstamp sets up Bolshoi for a judo throw and a cradle for the win at 16:21. Yabushita & KAZUKI had a discussion and KAZUKI attacked her from behind.
Next is Tsubasa Kuragaki vs Kei'to. Ke'to begins with a headlock. Kuragaki escapes and after a staredown, they run the ropes. They smash into each other a couple of times and then Kei'to hits a shoulder block and kicks Kuragaki's leg followed by a leglock. Kuragaki gets to the ropes and stands on Kei'to on the bottom rope. Kuragaki traps her in the corner with kicks and whips her off the ropes and nails her with a superkick. Kuragaki takes her down and applies a cross arm breaker. Kei'to punches her way out and gets Kuragaki in a half crab. Kuragaki reaches the ropes and pounds Kei'to in the corner. Kei'to gets Kuragaki in a tarantula and then kicks her several times in the legs. Kei'to hits a Michinoku driver for two. They butt heads and both are down. Kuragaki goes to the top turnbuckle but Kei'to hits a high kick and tosses her to the mat for two. Kei'to continues to hit kicks for near falls. Kuragaki comes back with a lariat and gets Kei'to up in her Metal Wing finisher (pictured) for the win at 13:41.
Next is Tojuki Leon & Kaori Yoneyama vs Kana & Arisa Nakajima in a JWP Tag Team Title #1 Contender's match. Leon gets Nakajima in a backbreaker. Meanwhile Kana takes Yoneyama to the floor and dives from the top rope. Back in the ring, Kana hits Leon with a hip attack but misses her follow up. Yoneyama gets Kana in a toehold and bridges into a chinlock. Kana escapes, kicks Yoneyama and tags Nakajima. Yoneyama splashes Nakajima in the corner and tags Leon. Leon kicks her and they double team her. Kana comes in and helps Nakajima double team Leon. But Leon hits a backdrop on Nakajima followed by a fisherman suplex and a missile dropkick for two. Kana tags in and hits a missile dropkick followed by a lariat and a dragon sleeper. Kana misses a top rope splash. Leon hits a frog splash for two. Kana attempts a superplex but Yoneyama pushes her off and hits a northern lights suplex for two. It gets very chaotic but Nakajima hits a missile dropkick and a German suplex on Yoneyama for two. Yoneyama hits her own German for two. Kana breaks it up with a hip attack and Nakajima gets two. Yoneyama hits another suplex for two followed by a Leon frog splash followed by a Yoneyama frog splash for two. They exchange cradles and Yoneyama hits a superkick. They take Nakajima to the top and drive her into the mat head first. Yoneyama wins with a victory roll at 18:09. Afterwards, one half of the tag team champs KAZUKI comes out for a discussion. Sachie Abe is out so we don't know who her partner will be.