Kana wins over Syuri |
Yesterday SMASH had the Divas Championship semi finals on their Korakuen Hall show. A couple of other news items were announced during the show. First, it was announced that Makoto will officially leave Ice Ribbon and join SMASH full time. Ice Ribbon owner Sakura Emi was there just so fans know that she approved of the move. TAJIRI has been pushing her to allow this. It's just another sign that Ice Ribbon is more training ground than a legit joshi fed. Emi seems satisfied with that. Also, Ayumi Kurihara announced that she will make her SMASH debut on the Sept. 10 show alongside the tournament final. An opponent is TBA but I would expect her to challenge the winner of the tournament final. She also declared herself the number one idol wrestler, a title she was given by a couple of men's magazines. Of course she was booed by Syuri fans so maybe Syuri will be her opponent. Some of her dopey fans got annoyed with me when I said she is more dancer than wrestler. God forbid I should criticize anyone for anything. She's been around the business long enough that she needs to improve and she hasn't. And her character is pathetic. The bottom line is she had the opportunity to be the ace of SMASH and that won't happen now or probably ever unless she improves her ring work. Too many of her moves are dance moves, not wrestling moves. So she had her semi final match against Kana. Kana has tormented her lately about her lack of improvement and her whining and crying. The match went as expected and Kana won with her chicken wing sleeper that she has been using. Earlier, Serena won over Makoto with the spear. So after her win, Kana confronted Serena. It should be a pretty good match. Kana hasn't had much luck in her matches against Serena which indicates that she will probably win this belt. Here's hoping she wins with a very evil finish that turns her into a major league heel. And then she brings the belt to SHIMMER in October and maybe a title defense. How would you like that?
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