JWP had another one of their dojo shows on Feb. 3. Once again, I will remind you not to read too much into any results as the matches have very silly rules. In this case, it had to do with beans and bad language. So they have to be put into that context. I will also repeat what I have said before in this space and that is that Bolshoi runs way too many of these shows. No, they don't do any harm and Bolshoi doesn't have to pay an arena rental. But I believe cutting down on pointless dojo shows might do JWP some good and force them to focus more on better angles.
As is usually the case with these dojo shows, the opener was a standard match with the veteran team of KAZUKI & Kaori Yoneyama facing youngsters Aska Ohki & Mayuca Niizeki. The building was cold so Niizeki came out before the show to distribute heating pads & hot tea to freezing fans. The youngsters tried hard and Niizeki attempted a missile kick and a cross body but Yoneyama used a double arm salto to pin Niizeki at 12:03. The match between Tsubasa Kuragaki & Sachie Abe had the stipulation that the wrestler is penalized if she utters a bad word. The ref flogs them or something. Kuragaki won with an Argentine backbreaker at 10:26.
The main event involved food as it sometimes does on these dojo shows. The match commemmorated 60 (!) JWP dojo shows. It was Commando Bolshoi, Tojuki Leon, Electric Wave Mask & Sarubobo (Yoneyama's Monkey Baby gimmick) vs Azumi Hyuga, Kayoko Haruyama, Kei'to & Arisa Nakajima. Anyone who gets tosed from the ring has to eat a plate of beans before reentering. And the beans can be used as a weapon. Also, Hyuga brought a plastic bat to the ring which she used as a comic weapon. Among other silliness, Bolshoi put Nakajima in a camel clutch and rubbed her face in a plate of beans. And when Bolshoi put Hyuga in a Rita Romero Special, Hyuga's bean induced fart forced Bolshoi to release the hold. And Haruyama had a plate of beans shoved down the back of her suit. This allowed Electric Wave Mask Woman to win over Haruyama with a clutch hold at 20:00. Beans, beans, they're good for your heart...