JWP had another one of their Dojo shows on July 29. These shows mean nothing in storylines and the main event is usually a silly gimmick match. This time it was a Texas Pool Side match, a JWP specialty. There was a large vinyl swimming pool set up at one side of a hall. Sometimes the put a small wading pool in the ring. I guess it makes a mess of the ring canvas and that's why Commando Bolshoi is trying to get fan donations to buy a new canvas. No, I'm not kidding.
The opener had Commando Bolshoi & ASKA Ohki vs Kei'to' & Arisa Nakajima. Apparently the loser of this match will be added to the Texas Pool Side match. Ohki & Nakajima look uncomfortable with this idea. Ohki & Nakajima begin by exchanging dropkicks. Nakajima follows up with a leglock & a battering ram. Kei'to' tags in and hits Ohki with kicks and an elbow. Bolshoi comes in and hits a dropkick on Nakajima. It's pretty even for a while. Then Bolshoi carries Kei'to' piggyback and Ohki hits a missile dropkick. Nakajima hits Bolshoi with a missile dropkick. But then Kei'to' kicks Nakajima by mistake. Bolshoi rolls her up in a cradle for the win at 11:52. So Nakajima is in the pool match.
Next was Azumi Hyuga vs Tojuki Leon in a Two Count match. Leon tries to get a quick pin but Hyuga gets free. Leon hits a pinwheel style back breaker. Hyuga comes back with a German suplex and a knee from the top rop to the back of the head. Hyuga gets the win with a Mexican roll at 10:02. Next is the Texas Pool Side match with Tsubasa Kuragaki, Kayoko Haruyama & Arisa Nakajima vs Kaori Yoneyama, Sachie Abe & KAZUKI. It looks like the object of the match is to drown your opponent. Yoneyama wears a red swim cap to the ring and Abe gives KAZUKI a snorkel. She doesn't use it. The match starts in the ring but of course it winds up in the pool. They go back and forth to the ring. There's a lot of splashing around abut Kuragaki hits a lariat on KAZUKI and holds her underwater long enough for the win at 16:45. Everyone had a swimmingly good time. The other main event theme of these dojo shows is food related. Maybe they'll do noodles next time.