Monday, April 10, 2006

Veterans win at GIRLS DOOR

Sometimes it's a good thing to get out of town. Such is the case with GIRLS DOOR. They've been running some out of town shows lately and they were in Fukushima on April 8. For those who don't know, GIRLS DOOR is the joshi company started by EWF Ltd., the same guy who owns the Smackgirl womens MMA company. Their early shows were a little shaky. They had trouble getting wrestlers to work for them so they had some of their wrestlers work a second time under masks. There were no masked wrestlers on this show. Dump Matsumoto was there but that's another story. GIRLS DOOR has a working relationship with Kaoru Ito so the hope is she will provide fresh faces down the road.

This Mimi Hagiwara redux look that Bambi has adopted is sure causing a buzz among fans. It's certainly a big improvement. Maybe she will develop some ring skills to complement that. She needs to keep listening to Yoshida. Bambi has been winning her matches lately but on this occasion her opponent was veteran Kaoru Ito. So Bambi wasn't going to win this match. Ito won with the Spiral Bomb at 8:46.

Dump Matsumoto and her sidekick Sasori were on the show. Sasori won her match over Kaoru Ito trainee Ayako Sato with the Scorpion Deathlock at 9:21. Then she proceeded to help Dump defeat Kyoko Kimura. Dump won with a lariat at 8:46. Dump is my number one choice for retirement. She never should have come back. She can't move anymore. I'm getting sick of seeing younger wrestlers squashed by her. Other than nostalgia and you all know how I feel about that, I don't see the point of it. Then another veteran vs youngster match with Tomoko Watanabe defeating Ayumi Kurihara with a German Suplex at 12:24.

The main event had Michiko Ohmukai & Ayako Hamada vs Mika Nishio & Bullfight Sora. Guess who won. From what I could tell, it doesn't look like Nishio was too thrilled about teaming with Sora because of Sora's reputation as a comedy wrestler. So Nishio spent most of the match in the corner and Sora got the crap kicked out of her by Ohmukai & Hamada. Ohmukai finished off Sora with a Tiger Suplex at 21:35. Ohmukai & Hamada worked very well together, not surprising considering they're very familiar with each other from their ARSION days.

So it was all veterans vs youngsters and the veterans won all the matches. Booker El Gran Hamada has to be more careful. It's too predictable. You have to throw fans a bone sometimes. Would it have killed them to have a younger wrestler win one match? This is the state of the joshi business these days. Here's the results of the show.

GIRLS DOOR - 4/8/06 - Big Palette Fukushima
Sasori def. Ayako Sato in 9:21
Kaoru Ito def. Bambi in 9:42
Dump Matsumoto def. Kyoko Kimura in 8:46
Tomoko Watanabe def. Ayumi Kurihara in 12:24
Michiko Ohmukai & Ayako Hamada def. Mika Nishio & Bullfight Sora (Ohmukai over Sora in 21:35)

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