I've wanted to get a new phone ever since I got on Twitter last year. But I was in the middle of a contract and when I went to the Rogers store at Cloverdale Mall last fall, they said I wasn't spending enough money to upgrade. So while Rogers is offering cut rate Smartphones to lure new customers, they won't throw a bone to loyal customers. So with Wind Mobile offering free six month data plans, Rogers changed their tune in an email I received last week. So I went to the Rogers store on Monday. I knew what I wanted to spend and I think the iPhone is way overpriced. I figured I'd end up with a Blackberry but instead the LG EVE was recommended. It runs on Google Android and supposedly the Rogers network is more reliable that the Blackberry network. Of course I'm still getting used to the phone but of course the main reason I wanted it was for Twitter. I have downloaded an app called Twidroid and it's pretty cool. I've been doing a little live Tweeting. Those who have followed this blog for a long time will know that I write about the People In Motion show at the CNE for the Canadian Paraplegic Association. When I go to the show on Friday, I plan to live Tweet from the show. I will post pics and possibly video. Who knows? My Twitter feed is on the right side of the blog. Just click and follow. The live stream is what makes Twitter fun. And I know a lot of folks don't understand Twitter. Maybe I should teach Twitter classes. Eventually it will replace RSS feeds. And I will start switching some of my Google Reader feeds so I can follow them live on my phone.
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